Category Archives: Personal Injury
What Makes A Well-Rounded Lawyer?
A lawyer’s proficiency in their chosen specialty hinges on a combination of knowledge, skills, traits, and resources. Though obtaining a law degree is an essential first step, several other elements contribute to a lawyer’s expertise in a specialized domain. In-Depth Knowledge: A lawyer excels when they have a thorough understanding of the laws, regulations,… Read More »
Overview About Lawyer Fees
Money is often the number one cause of misunderstanding between a client and attorney.
Personal Injury Law
Understand personal injury claims – legal remedies where injured persons can pursue compensation for injuries suffered.
Personal Injury Glossary
Lawyers can be intimidating – understand the legal terminology for any personal injury claim.
Will my personal injury case go to trial?
Not likely, the majority of cases are settled before going to trial.
How much is my Personal Injury Case Worth?
Why only a qualified attorney can help estimate damages from injuries that may have cost you monetarily, mentally and/or physically.
How to Prove Medical Malpractice
Review examples of medical malpractice claims and how you can take action to pursue a claim.
Proving Fault or Claim of Negligence
Any injured person must prove that the defendant – whether an individual, a company or an institution – caused the injury. Review our three steps to proving any injury claim.
Injured Child from Medical Malpractice
How to get the help you need when your child has been injured due to a doctor or hospital’s negligence.
Is proving a personal injury case the same as proving a criminal case?
No. It all comes down differences in the burden of proof. A civil case can be easier to prove.