Author Archives: Site Administrator
Top 5 Social Security Disability Application Mistakes
Review common SSD application mistakes and how to avoid them.
Legal Rights and Benefits for Gay Couples
Until federal legislation changes the benefits, rights and protections for same-sex couples will continue to be complex – in marriage and in divorce.
I Suffered Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Information on traumatic brain injury (TBI) and how to get legal help.
Legal and Physical Custody of Children
Joint custody doesn’t have to mean a 50/50 split. It can be whatever works out best for you and your children. Read our guide on child custody.
Let Divorce mediation work for you
Why you should consider divorce mediation – 10 points in favor of mediation.
What causes other people’s bankruptcies?
Take a look at the common causes of bankruptcy filings including medical bills, job loss and underwater mortgages.
How long does a bankruptcy stay on my credit report?
7 to 10 years and here is why.
Why is it legal for me to get out of paying back my debts?
Giving people a fresh start helps society in the long run.
Should I take from my retirement account or home equity to pay off debt?
Even if you haven’t filed bankruptcy yet you should never withdraw money from your retirement account to pay down debt and here’s why.
Should I file bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13?
Read our quick breakdown on the differences between Chapters 7 and 13 and see what makes sense for you.