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Better Understand the Law

Author Archives: Site Administrator

Top 5 Social Security Disability Application Mistakes

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Review common SSD application mistakes and how to avoid them.

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Legal Rights and Benefits for Gay Couples

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Until federal legislation changes the benefits, rights and protections for same-sex couples will continue to be complex – in marriage and in divorce.

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I Suffered Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

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Information on traumatic brain injury (TBI) and how to get legal help.

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Legal and Physical Custody of Children

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Joint custody doesn’t have to mean a 50/50 split. It can be whatever works out best for you and your children. Read our guide on child custody.

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Let Divorce mediation work for you

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Why you should consider divorce mediation – 10 points in favor of mediation.

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What causes other people’s bankruptcies?

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Take a look at the common causes of bankruptcy filings including medical bills, job loss and underwater mortgages.

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How long does a bankruptcy stay on my credit report?

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7 to 10 years and here is why.

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Why is it legal for me to get out of paying back my debts?

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Giving people a fresh start helps society in the long run.

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Should I take from my retirement account or home equity to pay off debt?

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Even if you haven’t filed bankruptcy yet you should never withdraw money from your retirement account to pay down debt and here’s why.

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Should I file bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13?

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Read our quick breakdown on the differences between Chapters 7 and 13 and see what makes sense for you.

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