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Author Archives: Site Administrator

Overview About Lawyer Fees

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Money is often the number one cause of misunderstanding between a client and attorney.

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How To File Bankruptcy

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Bankruptcy is of two types, one is a straight or insolvency bankruptcy and the other is a repayment plan for individuals.

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What Is Manslaughter?

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Learn the difference between the two types – voluntary and involuntary.

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Bankruptcy vs. Foreclosure

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Learn about how they can affect your personal credit.

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Bankruptcy Glossary

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Demystify bankruptcy terminology with our helpful glossary.

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Social Security Disability Law

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Overview of Social Security disability payments and the differences between SSD and SSI benefit programs.

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Tax Law Guide

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If the IRS or any other taxing authority says you owe tax – our tax guide is for you. Review our sample tax law cases.

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Personal Injury Law

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Understand personal injury claims – legal remedies where injured persons can pursue compensation for injuries suffered.

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Divorce Law

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Learn the basics of divorce law here – when half of all marriages fall it’s important to understand.

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Criminal Law

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Our general overview of criminal law – what constitutes a criminal act beyond a reasonable doubt?

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